Call for Presentations
The Texas Association of Addiction Professionals announces its Call for Presentations for the 2024 Annual State Conference on Addiction Studies. You are invited to submit a presentation proposal for a Breakout Session that addresses important issues facing today’s Addiction Studies.
Why Present
Amazing professional development opportunity.
Collaborate with experts in the field.
Presenters receive one complimentary conference registration.
Receive recognition for and feedback about your practice or program.
Expand your professional portfolio.
Be part of a dynamic community that has made TAAP's conference the “must-attend” event for 50 years.
Submission Guidelines
All proposals should include the following:
Engaging program format that involves the audience and stimulates discussion.
Preference will be given to presentations that include participant involvement and provide practical skills training. We recognize that our field of practice is constantly evolving. We welcome presentations in the areas of specialty practice that highlight approaches relevant to the work in addiction and behavioral health.
Conceptually strong foundation, well-written, with clearly stated outcomes and appropriately documented theory, research, and/or experience.
Qualified presenters with expertise/experience in the subject matter.
Do you have an innovative practice or cutting-edge research you want to share with your colleagues from across the addiction community? Don’t hesitate: submit your presentation proposal today!
Deadline for proposals closed June 14, 2024